I fall in love with my clients!

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I fall in love with my clients. It’s as simple as that.

Sometimes people contact me to do a portrait of a pet that has passed away, some are gifts for others, sometimes they are just a gift to themselves. All of my clients have a special relationship with these cherished pets and I love hearing about them when they contact me. I’ve been told that I capture their souls. I hope that’s true because they have certainly captured mine. By the time I finish even the smallest paintings, I am in love.

I hope my clients don’t mind the hug they receive on delivery, even if it’s just virtual. Love was meant to be shared!

I see paintings everywhere!

ESRA Jamie

What do you see when you see a beautiful photograph? I see paintings. All day long, when I’m driving, when I’m scrolling thru Facebook or looking at the internet, beautiful paintings everywhere. Sometimes I wish I could turn it off as there are not enough hours in  what’s left of my life to paint all the beautiful photographs I’d like to paint.This gorgeous Springer is Jamie, available thru English Springer Rescue America and I can’t wait to paint him!

What do you see? Take some time to really look each day at the beauty all around you!